The 2023 National Quantum & Dark Matter Road Trip saw 24 members of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Systems (EQUS) and/or the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics (CDM) drive around regional and remote Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland over National Science Week, 7â25 August 2023. The team spoke to students from 18 schools and delivered 12 public events during the trip, engaging members of the public at schools, pubs and community hubs in all things quantum and dark matter.
Check out some highlights (thanks to Kerstin Beer for putting the video together!):
Victoria presenting at Atherton
Peter with mystery boxes and tubes at Korumburra Secondary College
Ben Roberts delivering a public lecture in Brisbane
Simon presenting at Redlynch State College
Ben and Tim with superconducting quantum chips at Korumburra Secondary College
Jesse presenting at Djarragun College
Jesse, Victoria, Sonali, Maverick, Simon, Stefan, Kerstin and Jackie at the Big Golden Gumoot in Tully
Hitarthi and Tim presenting to Wangaratta High School and Galen Catholic College
Stefan explaining how qubits get entangled at Cairns State High School
Ben and Hitarthi presenting at Lavers Hill Kâ12 College
Tim, Steven, Hitarthi and Abhishek at a science art workshop at Lavington Library in Albury
Jesse with the spectrometer demo at Winton State School
Maverick with the ropes demo at Emerald State High School
Hitarthi presenting at Mallacoota Pâ12 College
Sonali with the rotation curve demo at Tully State High School
Kristen presenting at Cathedral College Wangaratta
Jesse on the road
Kerstin presenting at Emerald State High School
Maverick presenting at Cairns State High School
Pub trivia with DTAC Wangaratta at Wangaratta Club
Jackie with the gravity well demo at Cairns State High School
Simon with the gravity well demo at Emerald State High School
Victoria presenting at Tully State High School
Stefan, Jess, Sonali, Victoria, Maverick and Simon with demos at Emerald State High School